Christmas Greetings from the Farm

It’s Christmas Eve at the farm on Willow Road. The house has long fallen asleep as I atone for my procrastination. I had every good intention to bang out this annual greeting in the light of day; but one marvelous distraction after another intervened. Visits with family and neighbors, eating way too much, quiet meadow […]

Christmas Greetings from the Farm

It’s Christmas Eve at the farm on Willow Road. Another crystal clear and cold night and we are all nestled around the fire after a day of visits with family and friends, two great meals (masterfully prepared by Jocelyn) and an evening service at St. Paul Church. My dad is starting to nod his head […]

Christmas Greetings from the Farm

It’s Christmas Eve at the farm on Willow Road, and the house is at rest after a busy day of visits, celebration meals, and a lot of calls on Skype to our loved ones as far flung as the U.K. We also had the annual stream of neighbors – some of whom you’ve been introduced […]

Christmas Greetings from the Farm

Hello Friends –  It’s Christmas Eve at the Farm on Willow Road. My father, Jocelyn and I are sitting by the warmth of the fire after our round of the day’s visiting. Jim Laramie dropped by earlier with his now signature gift of hand-crafted toffee. Its richness is the source of superlative conversation even weeks […]

The “Why”

Why the hell would you sell the farm?
I can only speak for myself in answer to that question – even though this was a family decision. And as I reflected over the last season, I was a little surprised to discover that it was years in the making.