Christmas Greetings

In a hard emotional season, I was reminded of a heavenly paradox: the journey from “fitting in” to experiencing real belonging in my life is in the direction of my teenage daughter with a condition that unenlightened society relegates to irrelevance. 

Christmas Greetings

A reflection on the hope of Christmas revealed itself in the last seconds of a middle school girls’ basketball game, and some in our community (myself included) may never be the same.

Christmas Greetings

Another strange Christmas filled with uncertainty – and in our local community, deep anguish. But what does the hope of the season offer us and how do receive it?

Christmas Greetings ~ Love & Silence

Take in the quiet...

After a divisive, contentious, excruciating, disappointing, frustrating, scary year, what if a little silence is just the thing to which a loving God is calling us?

Christmas Greetings

We all got caught on our back foot with a compressed holiday season. But what is the season trying to tell us (read, me) amid all of the busyness?

Christmas Greetings from the Farm

It’s Christmas Eve at the farm on Willow Road. Those of you who have followed these posts over the years know what a marvelous pause the farm is in the life of our family. Time seems to get so compressed in the weeks before Christmas and all of the preparations and engagements that compel us […]

Christmas Greetings from the Farm

It’s Christmas Eve at the farm on Willow Road, and the tired December sun has given up its fight to burn through the cloud cover. The dreariness of the day makes the sky almost indistinguishable from the snow covered fields were it not for the trees along the fence line. From a distance, everything has […]

Christmas Greetings from the Farm

It’s Christmas Eve at the farm on Willow Road; and like a large part of the Midwest, we’re experiencing an unexpected heat wave. With the last several days of unseasonable warmth, I’m pretty sure the newly planted wheat crop doesn’t know what to do. After a blustery night of rain, the clouds broke and the […]

Christmas Greetings from the Farm

It’s Christmas Eve at the farm on Willow Road. We’ve had some unseasonably warm weather here over the last few days with a lot of rain and mist on the fields – fallow except for those planted with winter wheat. We saw our neighbor Jim Laramie earlier, who stopped by with the most amazing homemade […]

Christmas Greetings from the Farm

It’s Christmas Eve at the farm on Willow Road. The temperature barely got above 20 degrees today, but a strong sun melted off the dusting of snow we got last night and its reflection off the white and fallow fields made it hard to look outside today. But now the light has mellowed and the […]