There are other things I work on as well...


GiGi's Playhouse Detroit Kickoff

My daughter, Julia has Down syndrome. So Jocelyn and I joined a band of local parents to bring GiGi’s Playhouse here to Metro Detroit. This project started out as a pursuit of more than just iPhone photos for our kickoff video, so I got some studio time to get some good portraits of the kids. It quickly took on a life of its own with a ton of artists offering their talent for this good cause and I ended up being Executive Producer. Never picked up my camera that day, but what a result!

Impact India 360 Annual & Year-End Reports

Ever since my first trip to India in 2002, I’ve felt a kinship with the community in a little village near a city of a million people few in their country have ever heard of. I’ve taken nine more trips since then, harvesting several thousand images and telling the story of a ministry that grew from humble beginnings to providing holistic help to all ages. I’ve been curating photos and writing their donor reports for the past several years. Click on the images below and check them out!

Kensington Church Lead Pastor Search Video

After thirty years, the founders of my local church transitioned out and we started looking for a successor. The search consulting firm needed a video to add to a profile for candidates to understand us better. I was asked by the elder board to write a script, marshal talent and produce that video. Similar to other video projects, I knew there were friends who were way more suited to the work in front of and behind the camera; but it was in the writing and bringing it all together as Executive Producer that was especially satisfying. You can check out the result here.


Project 365

Since 2012, I’ve published and captioned a photo a day to keep my editorial eye sharp. Much of the story of my family and community is here, along with whatever else catches my eye.

The Art Lesson

Watch an interaction between my sister and my daughter as they connected through paint and a big pad of paper.