What Would He Have Thought?

It’s Martin Luther King Day and the warmest the temperature got was in the mid-teens; but the media discourse has remained at its standard white hot level. And it made me ask a question: What would Dr. King have to say about the way we talk to the issues of the day and to each other?

Gig of the Year 2018

Great client relationships are important, but it’s often the pro bono gigs that give me the chance to branch out, sharpen new skills and stay creatively fresh.

Letting Go and Clearing the Canvas

From the moment we accepted the offer on the farm to the July morning we drove away, there was a truly insane amount of work to do. But what does it look like to do the even larger emotional work of actually letting go?

The Work

We had the buyer, but there was still a ton of work to do – practically and emotionally. Here’s some insight on that journey…

The “Why”

Why the hell would you sell the farm?
I can only speak for myself in answer to that question – even though this was a family decision. And as I reflected over the last season, I was a little surprised to discover that it was years in the making.


So let me put it out there right from the beginning: I did a lot of crying this summer. The reasons for that will unfold over the next few posts as I tell the story of a real inflection point in the life of our family.