Calories & Volume (and a big girl bed!)

Sorry for the lateness of this update. I’ve been choosing sleep over creativity lately; but I did want to give you a thumbnail sketch of the goings on over the last couple of days. The good news is that although Julia’s platelets are still an issue, the consensus seems to be that it is a […]

UPDATED: Prayin’ for Platelets

  *** Update: Julia had her transfusion and early lab tests after are promising! Her platelet count went from 17 (quite dangerous) to 145 – well toward the normal range. Further monitoring will be required, but this is a very good first step! Thank you so much for your prayers! *** Hey Gang – There […]

One at the NICU and One at Home

Big day yesterday for the Cook family. My wife came home – here’s a pic of her feeling the sun on her face for the first time in four days. She had her incision staples (yes, staples) removed early Friday morning. There was a little apprehension on both our parts, thinking that it would be […]

Blue Light Special on Babies at Beaumont Hospital

Okay – a lot of you parents who had jaundiced kids do light therapy are rolling your eyes at the cheap play on words right now. Do me a solid, here, people. I’ve had maybe ten good hours’ sleep in the last 72. I’m running a little low on the repartee and am basically down […]

Hurricane Julia – and yes, the promised pictures.

Although remnants of the hurricane of the same name are breaking up in the mid-Atlantic, Hurricane Julia Paige Cook hit William Beaumont Hospital at 6:06pm last night as a Category 5 baby. And the day started so… normally. We had had a relatively quiet weekend (well, Jocelyn was on her modified bed rest, and I […]

Now We Are 3

Hey everyone – Sorry if you thought you were going to see the first pictures, but I had to get you here somehow! A lot has happened in a very short time, and I’m barely awake to post this. Our Julia came early and first drew breath at 6:06pm on September 20th – Jocelyn’s and […]

She Picked Me!

Two years ago, right around this time of night, I was sitting in my living-room with my Best Man enjoying my last glass of wine as a bachelor. The next day would be my wedding day and so begin one of the greatest adventures of my life. Earlier in the day, we had had some […]

Scare & Selah

Okay – Important Safety Tip: Make sure you are buckled in when you tell God, “Bring it”. It’s more than likely you are going on a heck of a ride. Let me tell you about the last 36 hours. Monday AM was looking good as the members of the Prayer Task Force for the EACH […]

Bring It.

I launched this site some five months ago and have had an itch in my head ever since. I had always promised myself, having been an avid peruser of writings by authors far smarter and more articulate, that I would not add to the noise – in print or online – unless I had something […]