God is So Faithful…

I’ve taken some time off recently to settle back into life after all of the drama that’s happened in the past… six months or year, depending on where you set the story’s beginning. I gotta tell you, being the dad of a (now) reasonably typical kid like Julia is great. And having come through the […]


I’ve been struggling lately with a question in my head about the ultimate direction I want to take this blog. Certainly, Julia has been my inspiration for a lot (most?) of my writing over the last six months; and I’m loving how so many have been rooting for her as she went through her surgery. […]

A Milestone Revisited

Tonight was momentous – and not because of the Oscars! For a couple of weeks before the surgery, Julia had been rolling over when we got her on the floor for “tummy time”. On January 16th as we were packing up to go down to Children’s Hospital, she actually rolled from her back to her […]

Nothing to See Here…

And the news is… not much! And that’s part of the reason (well, that and my computer’s hard disk crash) that you’ve not heard from me lately. It’s become… spookily… normal. Dr. Weinhouse checked Julia out last week, adjusted medicine dosages downward and doesn’t want to see her for a month. Her weight has sailed […]

One Week Later

Just wanted to give you a quick update of how things have gone a week after Julia’s discharge. As you can see, she’s wearing her new scar like a party hat! She seems to be over most of the discomfort, and though we’re still in the process of… er… stabilizing her diaper situation, we think […]

Dreams Fulfilled

Thanks for your forbearance as I took a little time off from the blog and focused on being present for our Julia. It was right around this time two weeks ago when we were making final preparations and loading the car for the trip down to Children’s Hospital for the overnight stay before the surgery. […]

Home Again!

Hey everyone – A very short post to tell you that Julia was discharged from Children’s Hospital today. We are home and I fulfilled a little dream of taking a dozing on the couch with my little girl crashed contentedly on my chest. Needless to say, we are exhausted; but thank you for following us […]

The State of Julia

Ladies and Gentlemen, prayer warriors, well wishers, friends and family: The State of Julia is strong. We’re in the home stretch here at Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Today during morning rounds, I heard two of the most beautiful words: “Discharge Studies”. Basically, they’re taking one more look under the hood to make sure all is […]

One Week’s Progress

This may very well be the shortest (in word length) entry I ever do: Monday, January 17 – 5:56pm: Monday, January 24 – 5:10pm: Guess that says it all, huh? By the way, that was the first time I saw my little girl’s smile in over a week. Melted her Dad’s heart.

Monday Monday…

A week ago today, we were waiting for news from the Operating Room and madly texting out whatever morsel of information we could get. Things are quite different now! The weekend was a mix of forward progress for Julia and utter emotional exhaustion for Jocelyn and I. It’s great to see how one tube after […]