Meeting Abigail

One of the real highlights of our vacation was a long anticipated meeting. Not long into our adventure with Julia (and my writing about it), we were contacted by a longtime friend of Jocelyn. He had a friend, Kate, whose daughter was diagnosed in utero with Down Syndrome and the same heart condition as Julia. […]

Goodbye, D.C.

We had a great time hanging with my sister and her family, but we gotta say goodbye and hit the road tomorrow morning. This is such an incredible town with all of its history and marvelous people. We leave our family and friends here with the promise that we’ll be back soon. Julia had a […]

Back in the Game…

After the winter months of heart surgery and recovery for my daughter Julia (see the story here), May was a great time to re-integrate and get the creative juices flowing again. This post, and a few that will follow, will get you (and me!) back up to speed on what I’ve been working on. Hit the jump for the details!


The family and I are in the middle of a much-needed and anticipated getaway to Washington D.C. to spend some time with my sister and her family. It’s always great to see them and we all have a way of moving into a wonderful rhythm together – even with the chaos of two college-age boys […]


Jocelyn and I took advantage of her family being in town to have Julia dedicated at our church this afternoon. In the chapel where Jocelyn and I were married and with a few who had been a part of that great day, the pastor who married us dedicated our Julia, drawing from the Old Testament […]

Eight Months and a Great Surprise

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. – Ephesians 3:20-21 Amen! And we saw that power at […]

Mother’s Day Perspective

(editor’s note: Hey everyone – I am very happy to tell you that we have a guest writer today. I have wanted to get Jocelyn on here for so long to offer her insight on our family’s journey (and the fact that she’s a much better writer than she gives herself credit for!). What better […]

Easter Joy

We took some time last weekend enjoying the still-coming spring here in Michigan and puttin’ on the dawg for Easter. My dad came out from the farm and shared a marvelous brunch at a local restaurant with us and we all had a great time (I got the banana stuffed french toast!). Our new friend, […]

Spring is Here!

Spring has come to Michigan and the crocuses and forsythia have started to make their appearance along Humphrey Avenue. And, like a houseguest who has overstayed his welcome, Old Man Winter is poised for one last whack at us with a forecasted snow storm expected to dump four or five inches in some spots overnight. […]

Six Months

It’s 6:22pm as I write this; and six months ago at this moment, I was only minutes away from witnessing the birth of my daughter. That was six months. And two weeks in the NICU. And some sleepless nights as we awaited surgery. And ten days at Children’s Hospital. Ago. whew. Things are a little […]