A Big Day and A Special Message

I’m sitting in Julia’s room after a good day, but she’s finally crying from the pain of the chest tubes. It’s hard to watch, but we have dose of morphine on board to keep her comfortable and the team is planning to remove one or more lines tomorrow. We’re crossing our fingers, but Jocelyn may be able to hold her baby again very soon.

Julia’s heart has continued in its normal sinus rhythm for nearly fifteen hours now, but she’s still connected to the pacemaker should there be the need. Our hope is that she’ll go a full forty-eight hours unassisted and at that point, Dr. Walters will feel a comfort level in taking the pacer wires out. You’ll hear more on this later.

Her temperature is still a little on the high side, but her blood and urine cultures are negative thus far, so we’re breathing a tentative sigh of relief. She is on broad spectrum antibiotics, including Vancomycin – what Arlene, our night nurse, refers to as “one of the big guns”.

On a lighter note, a couple Detroit Tigers – starter Max Scherzer and relief pitcher Al Alburquerque came by this afternoon for a quick visit. My sister, Lisa, was green with envy! Even though she’s lived in California and Colorado for years, she’s still a dyed-in-the-wool Tiger’s fan. Julia, on the other hand, was nonplussed and probably more interested in the pain meds that nurse Jacquie was giving her at the time!

We’re already seeing a massive improvement in her eating. In another surprise for the medical team, Julia has taken very well to the bottle again; but the difference in her feeding efficiency and vigor is truly startling. What would have taken a half hour or more for her to take is now being downed (greatfully!) in less than fifteen minutes! The medical team is excited about this as we are!

Finally, we’d like to give Dr. Walters a big thanks and send him off for a well-earned rest. He’s taking the weekend off and leaving Julia in the care of his partner, Dr. Delius. He will return on Monday, but wanted to give you his personal regards and leave you with a message of encouragement. Enjoy and we’ll see you tomorrow!


8 Responses

  1. Hello Chris, Continued prayers for you and the whole family. What a special gift to have a doctor that knows the real power of prayer. God is so good. -tracy

  2. Chris, That was the coolest thing to see the Dr. talk to us about her! You are blessed for sure to have this good man on your side! Praying for the that little one all throughout the day! Pam

  3. Dr. Walters is such a blessing and vessel for God’s healing hand. Prayers for discernment and continued progress. I am with you in thought.

  4. Green, green, green…….I think green goes with my eyes, Julia. I’ll be looking for baseball cards to match your picture. Love Aunt Lisa

  5. Dear Jocelyn and Chris,
    What wonderful news to hear of Julia’s recovery. My love goes to all three of you. What a trooper your little daughter has turned out to be! xxoo Love Aunt Jane

  6. What?!?! Man, Julia is now a confirmed Tiger Fan. It’s going to be sweet to get her to a game. Prayers for continued progress as we wait in God’s time. All will be well.

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