Julia’s Heart: The Straight Scoop

A short video explaining it all…


11 Responses

  1. ‘Love you guys!
    Chris, it seems you’re finding some comfort in keeping us all informed. I hope so. It helps us for sure and I hope it all works it’s way back to Julia too.

  2. Great job Chris. You are a man of many talents – writer, photographer, pastor, father and husband. We can now add educator.


  3. wow Chris. What a good video to help us know how to specifically pray for sweet Julia. Thank you so much for sharing. Julia is often in my thoughts and I continue to pray for strength and comfort for her body. Love and prayers to you, Jocelyn and Julia. ~Mark and Melissa Sera

  4. you are really great to describe all this, but dude, we really just want to see pictures of Julia and her beautiful mom.

  5. Joyce and I are keeping all of you in our prayers. Keep feeding her and get that weight up. I know its not nice to tell a girl to put on weight but we make exceptions.

  6. Lord, bring Julia that legion of angels to watch over her heart and comfort for her as she prepares for her surgical procedure. Lord, bless Chris and Jocelyn as they dligently care for their baby girl – give them the endurance they need for each day.

  7. Thank you for taking our Christmas pictures. I love your website it is cute. I especially like the pictures of Julia. She is adorable.
    Emma Jane

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