
It amazes me that a child that was watched and nurtured by a team of highly trained health professionals has now been entrusted to a clueless white guy. It’s probably mitigated by the fact that he has a very attentive wife and a registered nurse mother-in-law with 40+ years’ experience in his corner. Yeah, that’s it. It’ll be hard for him to screw this up.

Thirteen days, eighteen hours and fourteen minutes after her birth, Miss Julia Paige Cook greeted the world outside William Beaumont Hospital. Turns out she didn’t need a car bed after all and we took her out in the car seat we came in with. She has lots of doctors’ appointments between now and her heart surgery; but for today, our family is together and at peace.

I think the pics say it all…

Thanks for following us through this part of the journey. There will be much, much more to come. I’m going to go kiss my baby and thank our Creator for the way He has helped us thus far. And the future? I say…

Bring it.


9 Responses

  1. WOW chris! What an adventure, but you have an absolutely beautiful family and the faith that will carry you through this. GOD is going to teach you SO MUCH in the next several years of your life, and I’m brought to tears seeing all of this. I am reminded just how much HE loves us and how he hasn’t forgotten the little details!

  2. Keep the blog coming! I am so touched by every word. Even though I have not been there to see little Julia, I feel so connected to her. From the first moment I began to pray for her (and I continue to do so) and reading what God has been doing up to this point just gives me chills. Our God is an awesome God and I can’t wait to hear what He does next in the lives of the Cook family.

  3. Jocelyn: You are the most beautiful, radiant new mother I have ever seen. Seeing these pics makes me miss you so much! Julia is such a picture of God to me. She is a blessed little girl to have you and Chris as parents. You are going to be such a great mom…you already are! I’m praying for you and your beautiful family!

    Chris: Thank you for writing this blog and posting these pictures. You have blessed so many people; you (and I) have no idea. πŸ™‚ Your journey is God’s story and I thank you for sharing it so eloquently. God is glorified in you and your wonderful growing family and I thank you for shouting from the rooftops…ummm, keyboard…the goodness of God.

    Julia is so beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to share your lives and allowing us a glimpse into your world. πŸ™‚

    Love and prayers,

  4. PTL!!!! So happy for all of you! πŸ™‚ The boys cheered and Evan did a happy dance!

  5. Chris- Thank you for sharing your story! Julia is beautiful and the pictures of the new Cook family are awesome. You are an extremely gifted writer and your words often bring tears to my eyes- thank you so much for sharing your story and your hearts……God is doing some amazing work and he has your back!

  6. Chris, what a joy to see God’s love overflowing your cup. Thank you for obeying His command to tell of His great deeds. I have loved being able to hear about the blessings He has lavished on you and Jocelyn and Julia Paige. You bring Him glory with your grateful hearts.

  7. Julia is so …… oh my Grandpa is at a loss for words. What an amazing combination
    of love and technology to permit us to witness this miracle. Thank you so much for
    the calls and texts as well.

  8. Chris and Jocelyn- Thank you for being such an amazing example of love, patience, faith, and perserverance throughout this whole process. Julia is such a blessing, and is blessed to have you for parents. God has great things planned for your family, I can feel it. I love your family with all my heart and in constant prayer that God will continually bring you joy and peace.

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