A Milestone Revisited

Tonight was momentous – and not because of the Oscars! For a couple of weeks before the surgery, Julia had been rolling over when we got her on the floor for “tummy time”. On January 16th as we were packing up to go down to Children’s Hospital, she actually rolled from her back to her belly. It was a mix of elation and wistfulness as we watched, knowing it would be a long, long time before we would see her do that again. Open heart surgery has a way of delaying things.

We had to wait thirty-seven days, but we set Julia on the floor this evening and she rolled over as if she was picking up right where she left off. She was a little taken aback with Jocelyn and my shouts of celebration, but she seemed to take it in stride. I’m hoping that you’ll celebrate with us!

UPDATE: I just got a text from Jocelyn that Julia tipped the pediatrician’s scales at eleven pounds this morning! One more thing to celebrate!


One Response

  1. WOOHOOOOOOO!!!! Hopefully she’ll show off for me and I can see this tomorrow! So amazed by the things God’s doing with your little Pud!

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