Julia Unplugged – Well, Almost!

Julia had another good day, although most of it was spent sleeping off the sedatives after the removal of her arterial line, her foley (back to the diapers!) and three drainage tubes removed. Gang, all I can say is that the prayer is working! She has one drainage tube left and its flow, though a little cloudy (pray that all will be clear, please), is beginning to ebb. The team has decided to watch it for another day or so before removing it.

It’s not official yet, but they are seeing no growth in the blood and urine cultures thus far and the fever has broken. So the consensus is that the antibiotics has drubbed any infection that was there. She is being weaned off of oxygen and most of the IV meds have been switched to oral.

She dealt with a little… well, a lot of discomfort as her lower gastrointestinal system started back up again. It was reminiscent of the witching hours of colic in months past, but with the raspy voice of the recent extubation.

A lot of good news, but we’re honestly feeling the fatigue of the marathon, so I’m going to cut things a little short tonight and get some sleep. I leave you with a few images of a little dream fulfilled and a mother’s arms filled again…

Thanks again for your continued prayer and concern!


14 Responses

  1. I didn’t realize how much I needed to see this child in her mama’s arms again.
    Rest well tonight, Cook family.

  2. I don’t think I have ever seen a more beautiful picture of a child’s love for her parent…then the look of trust and connection in Julia’s eyes for her momma. Certainly brings tears to my eyes. Bless you all!

  3. Praise the Lord for another good day! Also thanking God that Julia got to be in her mother’s arms again today! She looks very happy to be there too! Such a beautiful thing! Love and prayers to you sweet Julia! Rest well and praying for another good day tomorrow! <3

  4. Shannon & I are in tears looking at those BEAUTIFUL images! I know God brought us to Charlotte for a special reason, but I really wish our daughters could do life together. 🙂

  5. I remember whenI could pick Ben up again after surgery, even though some tubes were still there. It felt like the one thing I could do to comfort him, and I didn’t think I’d ever put him down. I’m so glad things are going as planned–I had no doubts. Can’t wait to hear about her escaping out of there and getting back home w/ you guys. Praying for another good day….Jenny

  6. So happy to see Julia taking such big healthy strides! Can’t wait to meet the little Cook soon!

  7. I love the look on her face when she’s being held. It’s like she’s thinking, “finally, mom’s has me, everything will get better now!”

  8. Oh, such a sweet dolly! So glad your arms are filled again…like everyone else, I am in awe of the picture where she’s looking up at you. She’s a stunningly beautiful baby girl!

  9. The next-to-last image–Julia looking into Jocelyn’s eyes–is your best photo ever. Ecstatic at how she’s doing, my friend.

    PS: It’s not my day off anymore.

  10. That ultrasweet B/W photo rocks, too. May the Lord deeply REFRESH you and Julia’s precious mother this evening. Shalom!

  11. I am always in awe of what a baby can handle. It is nothing short of a miracle. Such strong little beings. God is so wonderful. I will keep your family in my prayers.

    Darlene Flores
    TAMUCC – Student Nurse

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