We Have A Dream

I suppose I’ll never understand on this side of eternity why one is given a certain burden and another gets something totally different. Fortunately, there are plenty of blessings and encouragements mixed in – if you’re watchful – to take some of the edge off. Nonetheless, no one would have convinced me or Jocelyn five years ago that we would be gutting it up to hand our child over for something so traumatic. Fortunately, no one has had the temerity to tell me that this procedure is routine – that would have illicited a harsh response from me. Routine schmoutine. This is my kid you’re talking about.

The whole thing seems at its face so nonlinear and even arbitrary that at times it makes my head hurt trying to connect the dots. Three years ago, I was just getting to know the woman who would eventually be my wife. Eleven months ago, the prospect of fatherhood jumped above the horizon, with the scary news of Julla’s Down Syndrome and the heart defect coming quickly on its heels. It’s been at turns rewarding and exhilarating and terrifying; and never in my life have I felt so responsible and so helpless at the same time.

But we honestly haven’t had to look very far for the blessings and encouragement. We have been utterly enveloped on all sides with text messages, Facebook posts and e-mails. The encouragement from all over the world has been absolutely humbling. Before we left, our teenage neighbor brought Julia a teddy bear that consoled her years before when she was in the hospital. Even as I write this, Jocelyn’s sister, Jennifer, is heating up a homemade lasagna and providing the extra pair of hands that is absolutely invaluable at times like this.

So on the eve of the day celebrating Martin Luther King, that most marvelous of dreamers, Jocelyn and I are adding a humble little dream of our own. More than anything, we want our daughter to live and thrive and be a small reflection of the love that God has for us and the world. But in order for her to thrive, we have to do the hardest thing a parent can be asked to do: we need to entrust her to God and to the skills of people we barely know. It’s a little earlier in the game than most parents have to deal with, but in our moments of clarity, we know that it’s ultimately a good thing.

It is our deepest conviction that this little girl is going to make a massive impact on the world for Love. We don’t yet know the shape of that impact; but as we weave our prayers with the hundreds of others that are being lifted up for our Julia, we anticipate only good things – even when they come in improbable and often uncomfortable packages.

I’m not sure how often I will be posting over the next few days, but keep an eye on the righthand side of the blog for the latest updates. You can also follow me on my Twitter feed. I’ll be shooting text messages to it regularly.

On behalf of the entire Cook family (all three of us!), please accept my most heartfelt thanks for your prayers and concern.


8 Responses

  1. Amazed and humbled when witnessing the hand of God in the lives of those we care
    so deeply about.

  2. Dearest Chris, Jocelyn, and Julia,
    May the Lord’s peace which passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus! This is my huge prayer to each of you today, tomorrow, and in the days ahead. I have been praying that the Lord’s angels would comfort, love on, and protect beautiful Julia as she is in the Doctor’s hands tomorrow. Mark and I’s love and prayers are with you all!
    Love, Melissa and Mark Sera

  3. Your family is in our hearts and prayers as you start the next leg of your journey. As I am reading this our own daughter cries out for me (she had a bad dream). I chased the bad away and soothed her back to sleep…….wish that I could do that for you. Since I can not, I’ll just send my prayers and love to Michigan from one parent to another through God!

  4. Julia carries her whole life experience with her into this place. You and Jocelyn have granted her a complete sense of peace, love, and understanding. Good Job! Zoe, is keeping track from the emerald isle.

  5. Chris and Jocelyn,
    We, and many of our family and friends in Mexico and the U.S., are surrounding you with our love and prayers.

    Peace be with you!
    Alice and Jim

  6. Chris, Jocely, and Julia,
    Colleen put out the word to pray for Julia. Our family is praying that as the three of you walk in the midst of the medical furnaces you will see God as the fourth man in the furnace as He was with Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego. Our two year old has Trisomy 18 and we have found God to be a very present help in times of trouble. May God bless you, keep you, and continually surprise you with joy.
    Keeping the faith,

  7. Oh Jocelyn and Chris,
    You must be exhausted! We are sending you both warm, gentle energy from Mexico. We continue to pray for ongoing healing, resolution by the medical team of Julia’s fever, and peace for you. You have our love and prayers throughout each day.

    Alice and Jim
    Puerto Aventuras, Mexico

  8. Hey Giulia, this is your Italian aunt,
    Good job with the ventilator,and the pace maker.
    U are making us all proud, and like I said before we need another 48 h of good news.
    Notice before were 72 down to 48.
    Alright we have a beautiful saying in Italy ” aiutati Che Dio ti aiuta”
    “Help yourself and God will help u”
    For sure u are proof of that little one!
    An Italian aunt.

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