Eight is Great! Celebrate!

Hey everyone – just a short note of celebration! We took Julia into Dr. Weinhouse for her last consult before surgery and she is continuing to do great. She gained another seven ounces, which far exceeded our wildest hopes and put her well past the eight pound milestone. Like I said a week or two ago, we are still pretty mystified at how well she is doing and thankful how God is sustaining her through your prayers. We see stories on various online discussion groups of feeding problems and gastric tubes and realize how truly blessed we are. Thanks again for your concern and prayers; and celebrate with us!

And by the way… don’t let all the angelic pics on the website fool you. This little girl can be crazy making sometimes!


6 Responses

  1. Chris Cook! I just spent the past hour reading, skimming, and with bleary, teary-eyeds ewww’ing and ahhhing over your beautiful daughter. I stumbled across your Facebook page and noticed pictures of Julia. . . which led me to your blog on your daughter’s condition and you and your wife’s faith journey.

    Your blog is beautiful! I started reading at the beginning (honestly skimmed alot) but was so touched by your candor of your struggles, triumphs, and continued trust in our God.

    Your story is inspiring. Your daughter is gorgeous. Absolutely angelic!

    I send a heartfelt congratulations! I am so happy for you and am humbled by your faith in God!

    All the best,
    Natalie (Race) Smith

  2. YES! Julia and I had a long chat about that 8lbs. Thanks for keeping us all up to date. Much love… Patricia

  3. Eph 3:20 – ” . . to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”, who packs on 7 ounces when we “boldly” ask for 6. Ex. 34:6 – Our compassionate and gracious God will be glorified through Julia Paige, beyond all we ask or imagine.


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