On the Knees of the Matriarchs

My mom died almost three years ago now, and it is with a pang of regret when I remember her and the reality that she never got the chance to meet Julia. That special kind of love that only comes from a grandma has to come (at least on my side of the family) from the women of my mom’s generation.

Something amazing happens when I set my daughter in the lap of one of my aunts. All are well into retirement now and Julia is the last of her generation, coming quite late in the life of our family – kind of in that space between grandchildren and great-grandchildren. So I couldn’t resist capturing the interaction that Julia had with my Aunt Sally at her visit to the farm last week.

I’m reminded of the old Hebrew story of King David’s ancestor lying in the lap of his grandmother (Ruth 4:16 if you’re curious) and how great legacies are launched from the knees of the matriarchs.

Meanwhile, Julia continues to feed well and has finally grown out of the newborn clothes that were gifts from our community and moving on to the next bigger size. The next visit and weigh-in with the cardiologist is set for Friday morning, so I’ll be posting the official weekly weight gain then. Stay tuned!


One Response

  1. Good work Julia! We love you no matter what you weigh ! I’m Glad you got to meet Sally – she is special.

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