UPDATED: Prayin’ for Platelets


*** Update: Julia had her transfusion and early lab tests after are promising! Her platelet count went from 17 (quite dangerous) to 145 – well toward the normal range. Further monitoring will be required, but this is a very good first step! Thank you so much for your prayers! ***

Hey Gang –

There is a little wrinkle in a day of otherwise good news that could use your prayers and good thoughts. After a couple of great breastfeeding sessions today, I noticed a furrowed brow on our nurse, Laurie. She came over to us and said that Julia’s platelet count was down.

This important blood clotting component has been suppressed since Julia was born. I remember hearing mentions of it as I listened in on doctor’s rounds over the past few days. But her platelet count had now dipped to a level where intervention was required. We spoke with the doctor and he is not yet concerned about the origin of the issue, but is more focused on avoiding the complications that low platelets can bring.

The cause is most likely a relatively benign disagreement between Mom & Julia’s blood type that will work itself out. There are, however, rarer possibilities that are just no fun to think about at the present moment. Additionally, this could be connected to Julia’s Down Syndrome.

Right now, a transfusion of platelets to fortify Julia’s flagging supply is in order. It’s a simple band-aid for right now, but that may be all that’s needed. Of course, we have to wait over the next few days to see if the problem sorts itself out or if further intervention is warranted.

In the meantime, we have given this situation to our Creator and Redeemer, asking Him to do what he has done before: create more platelets and redeem the disconnect in Julia’s body that is keeping that from happening. Jocelyn and I are fine – well, not quite fine. But we are weathering this well, knowing that there would be a few dips in the road as we navigated this.

By the way – don’t be too disturbed by the pic. It was a routine weigh-in last night and Julia was a little cranky that the nurse had taken her out of her nice, warm jammies. The good news is that her weight is up!

Thanks for your prayer and support on this!


3 Responses

  1. Chris, we’re glad for the platelet update; c’mon little Julia! Sending our love from Texas…

  2. Found your site through Kathy Hines, who has been a huge blessing to our almost 16 year old daughter with Down syndrome. We have been through much of what you are going through now and with God’s help, have realized what a blessing it has been! Feel free to contact our family with any questions, or if you would like to meet Lea. I know when she was born, I was really itching to meet someone older just to see it will all be ok.

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