Now We Are 3

Hey everyone –

Sorry if you thought you were going to see the first pictures, but I had to get you here somehow! A lot has happened in a very short time, and I’m barely awake to post this. Our Julia came early and first drew breath at 6:06pm on September 20th – Jocelyn’s and my second anniversary. You’ll get much more in a later post (yes, along with pictures!) of how the story unfolded and the way God showed up to sustain us through this surprise. Just know that mother and baby are doing very well, under the circumstances. Be well and stay tuned!


5 Responses

  1. I cannot wait to hear the story of Julia’s arrival and to see pictures of her beautiful face! Many thoughts & prayers are going out to you 3 tonight!

  2. Congratulations Jocelyn and Chris! Know that love and prayers are unceasing for the three of you. Welcome Julia Paige! Praise and thanks to God for your safe arrival into the arms of your wonderful, beloved parents! Your Aunt Jennifer cannot wait to see you and hold you! Chris, thank you for sharing… you do have an eloquence with words that touches deeply and oft brings tears. Jocelyn, your strength and courage are an inspiration. I love you sis!

  3. Praising God with you on Julia’s arrival. My heart is overwhelmed thinking of our prayers for her little life over the past nine months. I am so excited to see how God is going to use her to bring glory to Him. I can’t wait to meet her. Know that our prayers are with you and Jocelyn as you have begun this new journey of parenthood.

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